August 10, 2009

Of Moods, Inspiration, and Blogging

I know there's a lot to blog about lately. With all the many things going on around the world, one'd think I'd have tons to write about. So why the hell have I not been updating this blog of late?

Why? I don't really know. A lot of things have been keeping me quite busy; work, friends family, etc. While I've been able to keep my online self alive through social networking sites, forums, instant messenging, blah... blah... blah... I haven't been able to keep this blog alive! My last post's over a month ago and that wasn't even a full blog entry but just something I posted at random.

Why haven't I been updating this blog despite the fact that there's been a lot going on?

Alright, let me muster some excuses... err... answers...

In no particular order:

  • I started this blog not because I wanted to rant and rant and rant... This blog was supposed to be my lab for experimental designs... (Yeah, right! Who am I kidding?)
  • I've been too busy with so many things to have the time to write anything meaningful... (Heck! I have the time to go through Facebook, chat with friends through YM, get my post count to more than 12,000 posts in my favorite forum, but I don't have time to blog?)
  • My job is using up my braincells that I don't have enough creativity left in me to write about anything. (This has probably got to be the lamest excuse I have thought of!)
  • I haven't been in the mood to write about anything. I seem to have lost my connection to the world and I couldn't care less about what's happening around me. All I seem to have been thinking about was me, me, and me! (Now this is one good excuse...)
  • Lastly, I haven't been feeling inspired lately.

Notice the period in the last excuse? That's because I feel that that's the real reason for all this nonsense... I'm not inspired...

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